Every girl needs a Glitter Photoshoot!

Let me just start by saying… that after doing this glitter photoshoot… I think I need to do one for myself!!! You can never be too old to spin around in glitter right!?!? I loaded up on glitter at Michaels … Continue reading

Look who’s FIVE!!

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Well, there you have it… Today is my daughter’s 5th birthday. Which means that I have survived 5 years of motherhood. Most importantly, I survived the “feisty fours”!!!! Hallelujah!

I’ve been trying to take the time today to reflect on a lot of things…. how much she’s grown… and how much I’ve grown. It’s a milestone for both of us. There are days when I think, “damn, its gone by fast!” and of course, days where I feel like its not going fast enough. When it comes down to it, we are both certainly still learning… and there’s a lot to learn.

P.S. Every year on her birthday, I have a list of 20 questions that I ask her… same questions every year. Its like an annual “Birthday Interview.” The last question is “what do you want to be when you grow up?” This year she says teacher. What an upgrade! Considering last year she said she wanted to sell hotdogs. PUAHAHAHAh

P.P.S. For her birthday photos this year, we used Old Poway Park as the backdrop, a beautiful dress (with matching sash and headpiece) from HappyBOWtique and glitter number photo prop from Tara’s Alphabet.



Weekly Photo Challenge: Monument

Monument! Oooh! A good one from The Daily Post this week for the photo challenge. I spent about 6 years trying to travel around and see different countries… and of course hitting up all the famous monuments. I have so many favorites… which one to choose? Eiffel Tower… Colloseum… So as I read this challenge.. I had a couple of photos pop into my head:


The first one is a funny. Guess where this is at??!?! And no… It’s not a photo of people practicing Tai Chi. hhahaahahah… I was in Pisa and of course I’m taking a photo of the Leaning Tower. Then I turn around and see all these other people doing their “thing” with the Leaning Tower and it just looked pretty funny out of perspective. 🙂



On a more serious note… When I was in Hong Kong, we made the trek to visit the Big Buddha. Seriously, I can’t even describe how big this Buddha is. I had to climb many many stairs to get to the top for a closer look. This photo here was from from the gondola bringing us in. Definitely one of my favorite monuments.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Threshold

For this week’s Daily Post photo challenge, “threshold” is described as “that point just before the action happens, that oh-so-sweet moment of anticipation before that new beginning.” My mind went instantly to this photo below. It was when I had the honor of documenting my friend giving birth to her daughter. Words cannot even describe what it was like for me in that experience, although I did try to put it into words (with more photos) here. In any case, this photo is all about threshold for me this week. There were all sorts of action about to happen and definitely a new beginning. This is the point where a mother pushes the ultimate threshold.

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life


Street life. I have soooo many pictures of streets, alleys, neighborhoods… lots of things that can interpret “street life” for this week’s photo challenge from The Daily Post. This week I selected a photo from the streets of Essen, Germany. I was there in 2007 when I was chasing The Love Parade – a huge party that takes place on the streets of Berlin typically. After 2006, The Love Parade was forced to leave Berlin… and ended up making its way around different Germany cities in those years following. Obviously, Essen typically wouldn’t be so infested with party-goers and flyers as it is pictured here. But the chalk art on the ground was what struck me: bold and colorful and surrounded by the words “thank you” in many different languages. Pretty cool documentation of Essen’s part in the Love Parade dynasty if you ask me.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflections


OMG. I don’t know why I lagged so much this week for the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge. I definitely liked the theme for the week… but somehow life got in the way and now here I am on a Tuesday… finally getting to this. I looked at this challenge from two perspectives this week. The first is just the literal and I selected this old photo I took while in Copenhagen back in 2006. Goodness, with a cheezy old 3-megapixel camera too. haha. Definitely doesn’t do the true image justice, but you get the gist of it. I was at Tivoli at the time, and looked over to see this stunning view as the sun was setting. I don’t have a good memory of things (unfortunately), but I remember how beautiful it was that day.

From another perspective, I selected the photo below and its simply just a photo of me on a day when I had been reflecting on some stuff in my life last year. I remember that day clearly because I spent some time alone just sitting by the harbor and I snapped this selfie just to document my morning that day.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside

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Inside. Ohhhh…. this can mean so many things. Be portrayed in so many ways. But since I’m a hopeless romantic… I decided on this photo for The Daily Post photo challenge this week. It was a photo from an engagement session shot at the Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park. We were inside one of the little houses with the beautiful screen windows. It was the perfect silhouette to have them inside of the window pane…. and at this very moment… capture a piece of the love that resides inside of them.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Perspective


Ok… This theme of “perspective” for The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge for some reason is the hardest one for me thus far! I don’t usually wait until nearly Thursday to post for the challenge… but I’ve been stumped all week on deciding on a photo I might have already taken… and even in trying to think of some creative way to take a new photo. UGH.

In the end…. I settled on the photo above… which from that perspective could probably be thought of as various different things. Span out of the photo and you see that they are part of a larger display of Eastern Asian medicine technique. Whenever one of us starts to feel like we are coming down with a cold – we cup. Read more about the benefits of “cupping”.  We use a modern method with a pump. But old skool methods use fire. Watch a video demo of that here:

Pretty hardcore. I’ve never tried it with fire…. pump is good enough for me!




Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned

Abandoned. Oh man, I’ve been sitting on this theme from The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge all weekend trying to think about what I had in the archives that would be suitable. I did have photos of random buildings from my travels to Europe, etc…. but I opted for something funny this week. One of the most random things I had ever seen abandoned was when I was at our local Aquarium. At an AQUARIUM!!! Low and behold… I’m walking and look down to find:



Interesting. Very interesting. It was really early in the day still, so it made me wonder how long these panties had been tossed there on the ground? From early in the morning? Or perhaps something steamy from the night before? Whatever it was, I hope there was good reason for them being left behind.

On the topic of abandoned undergarments, I then thought back to this tree that I had seen before when I was snowboarding. I used to always see one at Big Bear when I was on one of the lifts – where people would toss bras and undies as they passed by. The photo below was actually a photo of something similar at Mountain High. I’m assuming the people already had these items in their pocket to throw down from the ski lift? Because undressing in the cold from all the gear would be quite challenging!
