Giving back: #HashtagLunchbag

I started taking my daughter to participate in an organization called #HashtagLunchbag in winter 2014. She was just 5 at the time but still gained much from the experience of volunteering, giving back to others, and gratitude for your own … Continue reading

Summer Fun: Movies at the Park

Can you believe we are nearly halfway through summer already!?!? 😦 If you haven’t yet had a chance to catch a movie at the park… there’s still time! Locations all over town… but my personal favorite would have to be … Continue reading

Kindergarten Room Mom: Halloween

So I found out 2 weeks before Halloween that I was going to be Room Mom. No one had volunteered for it… and you know…. Yeah…. YOU KNOW.

My daughter’s teacher liked his holiday events more like activity stations that the kids can rotate through. I thought it was a great idea too, because then the kids have lots to do, and its not all about eating sweets. So with 2 weeks to pull it together, I combed Pinterest for about 6 activities related to Halloween that would be engaging and cover an array of areas (art, fine motor, science, etc). Here’s what I ended up with:

Food Activity: Spiders and Monster Mouths

I choose these in an effort to avoid cookie decorating. I figured the oreo and the marshmellows would be offset by pretzels and apples.

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Spider Web Lacing: For some fine motor skills!

Original Pinterest link here.


Science: Fizzy Eyeballs

I wasn’t able to find plastic eyeballs as the original I found on Pinterest. But I did already have these glow in the dark bouncy balls that I had from a previous projects. They were perfect because the kids were excited to be able to keep their ball afterwards.  We did them in individual plastic cups to contain the mess. And the kids were able to select from various colored “potions” to drop on their eyeballs.  See original Pinterest link here.

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We also did a fine motor activity adapted from this Pin I found. We used chopsticks instead and had the kids pick the spiders up with them and sort them into cups.

Lastly, we did some scissor skills by having them make pumpkins from this Pin here.

Get ready…. KIDS FREE October is back!


October is right around the corner… which means so is Kids Free month in San Diego.

Check out the extensive list here:

Time to start planning all the fun things to do around town as we approach fall in full swing! (SeaWorld and the San Diego Zoo are great highlights.)

Share some of your faves below!

Santee Lakes Splash Park


The kids went to the splash park (aka Sprayground) at Santee Lakes for the first time. Looks like they give it a thumbs up! Parking was $5 and it was $2 to get a wristband for them to enjoy the water fun (good for the entire day!). Afterwards, they enjoyed a picnic on the grass and the playground nearby. Overall it was an inexpensive way to enjoy a warm summer afternoon!

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SUMMER FUN: Splash Pads in Southern California

What an expansive list! Kids love splash pads and this comes at just the right time. Soooo many new places to check out this summer!

SoCal Field Trips


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Splish splash I was taking a bath!  I mean taking my kids to our local splash pad for some fun!

Where else can you go on a beautiful summer day that is free on most occasions and refreshing?

This summer several communities across the southland have designated certain areas in their cities as cool down stations.  Cool down stations are designed to help families ward off the heat when it reaches a certain temperature and becomes unmanagable.  Your local splash pad is sometimes one of those stations.

Impact Sprinkler Mechanism 2

According to Wikipedia, a splash pad is a recreation area, often in a public park for water play that has little or no standing water. This is said to eliminate the need for lifeguards or other supervision, as there is little risk of drowning.

However, I highly recommend that parents always keep a close eye on their childrenwhen playing at a splash pad.  With all the water flowing it…

View original post 577 more words

Annual Birthday Interview – 20 Questions


Found this on Pinterest and started doing this with my daughter at age 3. The answers are pretty funny and interesting to see as they change throughout the years. Looking forward to starting my son’s interviews this year!

Here’s my pin and the original blog (this momma made a birthday album/book out of it).

and here’s the list of questions (customize your own of if you wish of course!)

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What is your favorite toy?

3. What is your favorite fruit?

4. What is your favorite tv show?

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?

6. What is your favorite outfit?

7. What is your favorite game?

8. What is your favorite snack?

9. What is your favorite animal?

10. What is your favorite song?

11. What is your favorite book?

12. Who is your best friend?

13. What is your favorite cereal?

14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?

15. What is your favorite drink?

16. What is your favorite holiday?

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?

18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?

20. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Introducing Kids to the Theater

I’ve always enjoyed going to see shows/musicals – particularly ones of Disney movies that I enjoyed as a youth. Lion King, Beauty & The Beast… all wonderful productions.

As my kids are learning about these wonderful stories – not just Disney, but other classic tales as well (mostly through books as they haven’t watched many full-length movies yet), I’ve found that there are wonderful ways for them to experience them outside of a book and away from the “screen”.


She was excited to pose for a photo with one of the actresses after the show!

The San Diego Junior Theatre puts on wonderful productions catered to various age groups. Last fall, I planned a mommy & me triple theater date and we had a great time watching “The Little Mermaid”.  As an adult, I certainly enjoyed the show just as much as the kids. The junior actors did such an amazing job and I was so impressed throughout the performances. I missed “The Cat in the Hat” show, but I see “Shrek” is on calendar in a few months, so I may have to plan another “date night” with my daughter!

For my little guy, Balboa Park also offers Marie Hitchcock Puppet Theater shows! A 10am show would be the perfect activity right before lunch.

On a side note – At California Adventures, they have the Aladdin show which was amazing! My daughter got a little frightened in some parts and said it was kind of “loud”. But we sat in the back and enjoyed it nonetheless. Definitely check that out if you are spending the day at the amusement park.
