Summer Fun: Movies at the Park

Can you believe we are nearly halfway through summer already!?!? 😦 If you haven’t yet had a chance to catch a movie at the park… there’s still time! Locations all over town… but my personal favorite would have to be … Continue reading

SUMMER FUN: Splash Pads in Southern California

What an expansive list! Kids love splash pads and this comes at just the right time. Soooo many new places to check out this summer!

SoCal Field Trips


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Splish splash I was taking a bath!  I mean taking my kids to our local splash pad for some fun!

Where else can you go on a beautiful summer day that is free on most occasions and refreshing?

This summer several communities across the southland have designated certain areas in their cities as cool down stations.  Cool down stations are designed to help families ward off the heat when it reaches a certain temperature and becomes unmanagable.  Your local splash pad is sometimes one of those stations.

Impact Sprinkler Mechanism 2

According to Wikipedia, a splash pad is a recreation area, often in a public park for water play that has little or no standing water. This is said to eliminate the need for lifeguards or other supervision, as there is little risk of drowning.

However, I highly recommend that parents always keep a close eye on their childrenwhen playing at a splash pad.  With all the water flowing it…

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